Salima Hashmi

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Salima Hashmi is a pioneering artist and arts educator, accomplished writer and fearless women’s rights activist. Salima studied at Bath Academy of Art in Corsham and the Rhode Island School of Design in the US. She has taught at the National College of Art in Lahore where she was also the Principal for several years. Salima was a Co-Founder and former Dean of the School of Visual Art at the Beaconhouse National University in Lahore. Salima is also a curator and gallery owner. She founded Rohtas Gallery in Islamabad, followed by Rohtas 2 Gallery in Lahore, where the works of emerging artists are showcased. Salima continues to be an inspiration to young artists and an influential force in the arts community.

South Asia Institute’s Co-Founder, Dr. Shireen Ahmad, had the opportunity to interview Salima for the #SAIatHome series. You can watch the full video below:

Salima Hashmi is a pioneering artist and arts educator, accomplished writer and fearless women's rights activist. Salima studied at Bath Academy of Art in Co...

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